Homebound Services and Information

The homebound program is a service provided by Cumberland County Schools for students who are expected to be confined to their homes for at least four weeks or longer due to medical treatment or recovery from surgery. Here are some key points to understand about homebound services and information:

Eligibility: Students who are referred for homebound instruction must be enrolled in a Cumberland County School. The program is designed to help students continue their education during a period of extended home confinement.   

Registration: Students who are approved for homebound services will remain registered at their home school. They will continue to receive instructional services from their regular teacher(s) of record, but these services will be delivered via a homebound teacher.

Goal: The primary goal of the homebound program is to support students during their medical treatment or recovery and to help them return to the traditional school setting as soon as it is medically possible. It is not meant to replace the regular school experience.  

Coursework and Assessments: Students are responsible for completing the required coursework, projects, exams, end-of-course tests, end-of-grade tests, and other assessments necessary for course credit while receiving homebound services.
Frequency of Sessions: Regular education students approved for homebound services may receive up to two weekly sessions. The frequency of sessions is determined based on the student's medical and physical condition.   

Students with Individualized Education Plans (IEP): For students with disabilities, the IEP team and the Office of Health Services will determine the frequency and duration of homebound services, ensuring that they meet the specific needs of the student.   

Extracurricular Activities: Students assigned to the homebound continuum are not allowed to attend or participate in extracurricular activities. The focus is primarily on academic instruction and support during their period of confinement.  

Navigating the approval process:

A physician's referral is an essential component of the homebound application process for students, particularly when they are experiencing a medical condition or other circumstances that prevent them from attending school in a traditional setting.  While a physician's referral is a necessary step, it does not guarantee that a student will automatically receive homebound services.   

The decision to provide homebound services to a student is typically based on a comprehensive evaluation of the student's specific needs and circumstances.  The educational team, which may include educators, school administrators, and other professionals, will consider factors such as the student's medical condition, the expected duration of their absence from school, and the impact of their condition on their ability to access and benefit from the general educational program. 

The ultimate goal in providing educational services is to do so in the least restrictive environment, which means that the student should receive their education in as typical a setting as possible while still meeting their unique needs. Homebound services are considered when it is determined that the student's health or other circumstances from attending school in a regular classroom.  Homebound services are a way to ensure that the student continues to receive educational instruction while they are unable to attend school physically. 

The homebound program is designed to provide educational support; to students during a challenging time, and it is important for students and their families to work closely with the school and healthcare professionals to facilitate a smooth transition back to the regular school setting once the student's medical condition allows.